• Address: 137 Ελύτη Οδυσσέα,
    133 41 Άνω Λιόσια

  • Call Us: 216 800 8000

Billing (on-line issue of bills)

The cost sharing system includes all the necessary fields for the registration of apartment building costs, while providing the necessary information and explanations to landlords and tenants.


Sharing of the common building’s costs in millimeters, in a condensed state of shared spending in two copies.
Notification of payment of bills for all apartments with breakdown for each category of expenditures, by analysis of the indications of the heating meter (timer, titration, calorimetry), depending on the heating category of your apartment building.
Outstanding receipt for tenant and owner. Each receipt includes an analysis of the amounts and millimeters to be understood by everyone.
5 € in the 10 apartments
6 first months free of charge
Assigning us the issue of your apartment’s parcels from € 5 WE WIN automatically the following benefits:

– Free use of fire extinguishers for the floors and the boiler room.

– Free Liability Insurance for public areas

In order to be ready to get public, we need the millions of parcels, lift and heating by the manager, how many apartments the apartment building has and the names of the tenants and the owners of the block of flats. If the apartment building has autonomous heating, then we also need the engineer’s study to look at the fixed and the heating coefficients in order to get a proper share.

For 10 apartments the price is 5 euros and upwards 2 euros / 5 apartments


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